
Resources on employment

Inclusive Economy05 Mar 2014The Broker

The international discussion on the changing nature of jobs and employment is taking place on many levels. The table here contains a number of institutional reports, research papers and other sources that The Broker’s editors have found useful in preparing the Employment Dossier. We hope that this overview can help you dig deeper into the subject.

The list is divided in three categories: 1) International organizations and institutional reports, 2) Research papers, and 3) Other sources such as media and organizations.

Table 1. International organizations and institutional reports

Title Author/Institution Year
Global Employment Trends 2014. Risk of a jobless recovery? International Labour Organization 2014
Global Employment Trends 2013: Recovering from a second jobs dip International Labour Organization 2013
Understanding the Relationship between Economic Growth, Employment

and Poverty Reduction (pdf)

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2009
Global Employment Trends for Youth 2013. Informal, poorly paid and unemployed: The reality of work for most youth in developing countries. International Labour Organization 2013
Vulnerable employment and poverty on the rise, Interview with International Labour Organization chief of Employment Trends Unit International Labour Organization 2010
World of Work Report 2008 – Income inequalities in the age of financial globalization International Labour Organization 2008
Global Wage Report 2012-13: Wages and Equitable Growth International Labour Organization 2013
World Development Report 2013: Jobs World Bank 2012
Employment Outlook 2013 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2013
Better Life Index. Jobs Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2013
Global Development Debate: Jobs and Opportunities for All World Bank Institute 2011
Institutions, Governance and Policy Space: Redesigning the International Economic Architecture for Development United Nations Research Institute for Social Development 2013
The Labour Markets of Emerging Economies: Has growth translated into more and better jobs? International Labour Organization: Sandrine Cazes and Sher Verick (eds.) 2013
Policy Priorities for International Trade and Jobs Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2013
Trade growth and jobs (pdf) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2013
Informal is Normal? Towards more and better jobs in developing countries Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2009
Informality and Informal Employment (pdf) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: Huitfeldt, Jütting and Jütting (eds.) 2009
The Role of Employment and Labour Markets in the Fight against Poverty Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: Ernst & Berg (eds.) 2009
Job Quality – It’s not just about having a job Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2013
Don’t waste the crisis: Critical perspectives for a new economic model International Labour Organization 2010
Rural Labour Statistics International Labour Organization 2013
AfDB Economic Brief African Development Bank
Connecting to Work: How information and communication technologies could help expand employment opportunities The World Bank ICT

Sector Unit

Labor Markets in Developing Countries Remain Resilient amidst Declining Growth World Bank 2013
Meeting the challenge of precarious work: A workers ’ agenda (pdf) International Labour Organization / International Journal of Labour Research 2013
Panorama Social de América Latina 2012 (pdf) United Nations and United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 2012
Perspectivas económicas de América Latina 2014. Logística y competitividad para el desarrollo (pdf). Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Development Bank of Latin America 2013
Structural Change & Employment in a Globalizing World: Creating Jobs for all? (pdf). United Nations Development Programme: Angela Lusigi (ed.) 2013
Trade and Employment: From Myths to Facts International labour Organization 2013
Green jobs: towards decent work in a sustainable low-carbon world United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 2008
Growth and Employment in the Post-2015 Agenda: Messages from a global consultation. United Nations Development Group 2013
The least developed countries report 2013. Growth with employment for inclusive and sustainable development. Overview United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 2013
Working Time Around the World. Trends in working hours, laws and policies in a global comparative perspective (pdf). International Labor Office: Lee, Sangheon, Deirdre McCann and Jon C. Messenger (eds.) 2007
From Precarious Work to Decent Work: outcome document to the workers’ symposium on policies and regulations to combat precarious employment (pdf) International Labour Organization 2012
Employment and Economic class in the Developing world (pdf) International Labour Organization: Kapsos, Steven and Evangelia Bourmpoula 2013
World Economic Outlook. Transitions and tensions International Monetary Fund 2013
Youth and Labour Markets in Africa. A critical review of literature (pdf) Agence Française de Développement Cling, Gubert, Nordman, Robilliard 2007
Globalization and informal jobs in developing countries, A joint study of the International Labour Office and the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization (pdf) International Labour Office and the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization: Bacchetta, Marc, Ekkehard Ernst, Juana P. Bustamante 2009
Private Sector Solutions for Development: Job Creation International Finance Corporation 2013
Jobs for Growth and Growth for Jobs World Economic Forum 2013
Africa at work: Job creation and inclusive growth McKinsey Global Institute 2012
The world at work: Jobs, pay, and skills for 3.5 billion people McKinsey Global Institute 2012
African Economic Outlook 2012 SPECIAL THEME: Promoting Youth Employment African Economic Outlook 2012
The end of an era: What comes after financialization and what will be the consequences for labour? in Don’t Waste the Crisis, Critical Perspectives for a New Economic Model. pdf International Labour Organization: Ernst, Ekkehard 2010
Africa at work: Job creation and inclusive growth McKinsey Global Institute: Fine, D., van Wamelen, A., et al 2012

Table 2. Research papers

Title Author/Institution Year
Global Labour Column Corporate Strategy and Industrial Development (CSID) research programme at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa 2009-2013
How Has The Globalization of Labor Affected the Labor Income Share in Advanced Countries Jaumotte, F. and I. Tytell 2007
Demographic shifts transform the global workforce C. Buck Luce (EY) 2011
Capital’s Grabbing Hand? A Cross-Country/Cross-Industry Analysis of the Decline of the Labour Share Bessanini, A. and T. Manfredi 2012
Capital Account Openness’ and the Labour Share Income, Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol. 31, n.3 , 423-443 Jayadev, A 2007
The declining Labor Share of Income (pdf), Human development Reports Research paper 2010/36, New York, UNDP Rodriguez and Jayadev 2010
How the New Poverty Agenda Neglected Social and Employment Policies in Africa

Journal of Human Development and Capabilities: A Multi-Disciplinary Journal for People-Centered Development, 11:1, pp. 37 – 55

Mkandawire, T. 2010
Employability of Offshore Service Workers in the Philippines: opportunities for upward labour mobility or dead-end jobs? In: Work, Employment and Society, Vol. 27 (5), pp. 823-841 Beerepoot, N. and M. Hendriks 2013
The Concept of Employability (pdf), : Urban Studies, Vol. 42 (2), pp. 197-219 McQuaid, R. and C. Lindsay 2005
Labour and the Challenges of Globalization: What Prospects for Transnational Solidarity? Bieler, A. 2008
Moving from Precarious Employment to Decent Work Evans, J. and E. Gibb 2009
La précarité est aujourd’hui partout Bourdieu, P. 1997
European Labour. Political and Ideological Crisis in an Increasingly More Authoritarian European Union Wahl, Asbjørn 2014
The Labor Share Question in China Qi, Hao 2014
Understanding the Relationship between Economic Growth, Employment and Poverty Reduction (pdf) Hull, Katy 2009
A ‘Marshall Plan’ for Africa’s employment challenge Elumelu, Tony O. 2014
Innovation and Employment The Oxford Handbook of Innovation. Ed. Fagerberg, J., D. Mowery and R. Nelson Pianta, Mario 2009

Pacific Economic Review Volume 15, Issue 4, pages 482–504, October 2010

Tao Yang, Dennis,

Vivian Weijia Chen and Ryan Monarch

Why does trade liberalisation raise wage inequality worldwide? Epifani, Paolo and Gino Gancia 2008
Recent Productivity Developments in the World Economy: An Overview from The Conference Board Total Economy Database. (pdf) Chen, Vivian, Abhay Gupta, Andre Therrien, Gad Levanon and Bart van Ark
Globalizing Labor. In Geographies of Globalization. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell Pp, 198-227 Herod, Andrew 2009
Is it Labor’s Turn to Globalize? Twenty-first Century Opportunities and Strategic Responses. Global Labour Journal 1 (3) 352-379 Evans, Peter 2010
Globalization and the Labour Movement: Challenges and Responses. (pdf) Global Labour Journal 1 (2): 218-232 Munck, Ronald 2010
The ILO: An Agency for Globalization? (pdf) New Political Economy 15 (2) 307-318; Standing, Guy 2010
ReflecT Leading international research on flexibility and labour market dynamics combined with security for workers and social cohesion Tilburg University
Recurrent poverty: the impact of family and labour market changes (pdf) Tomlinson, Mark 2010
The economics of the Arab Spring (pdf), World Development, May 2013, vol 45, pp. 296-313 Malik, Adeel, Bassem Awadallah 2013
Africa’s economic growth from a labour perspective: selected decent work indicators, Leiden: African Studies Center. Vlaminck,Z, U. Oberst, A.H.M. Leliveld, M.M.A. Kaag, W. Baah-Boateng, S. Maher, N. de Vink 2013
Labour Markets Trends, Financial Globalization and the current crisis in Developing Countries (pdf) Van der Hoeven, Rolph (UN DESA) 2010
Precarious Work, Insecure Workers: Employment Relations in Transition (pdf). American Sociological Review, 74(1): 1-22. Kalleberg, A. 2009
The Precariat: a view from the South (pdf). Third World Quarterly, (34:5), p. 751. Munch, R 2013
Flexicurity: a conceptual critique Burroni, Luigi and Maarten Keune 2010
Precarious, Informalizing, and Flexible Work: Transforming Concepts and Understandings. American Behavioral Scientist, 57(3): 290. Arnold, D. and J.R. Bongiovi 2012
The Oxford companion to the economics of Africa , Oxford : Oxford University Press Aryeetey, Ernest et al. (eds.) 2012
Defining the precariat: A class in the making (pdf), Eurozine Standing, Guy 2013
Panorama de las condiciones de trabajo en América Latina. Nueva Sociedad No 232, marzo-abril de 2011 Weller, Jürgen 2011
Jóvenes y el desafío de vivir en contextos de desigualdad y diversidad. Crisis de las oportunidades de participación educativa y laboral en América Latina. Aparicio, Pablo Christian 2010
Who Is Hit Hardest during a Financial Crisis? The Vulnerability of Young Men and Women to Unemployment in an Economic Downturn. IZA Discussion Paper No. 4359. Verick, Sher 2009
Growing fast, transforming slowly. The case for economic transformation (pdf) ACET Ansu, Yaw, Mina Baliamoune 2013
The beneficial international spillovers of labour market reforms Vox-EU 2010
Labor Markets in the Global Economy: How to Prevent Rising Wage Gaps and Unemployment (pdf) Gundlach, Erich, Peter Nunnenkamp 1997
Globalization, structural change, and productivity growth (pdf) McMillan, Margaret, Dani Rodrik 2011
The Tertiary Sector Is Going to Dominate the World Economy; Should We Worry? Sultan, M. 2008
Resource Centre Employment in China. China Labour Bulletin 2014
The Informal Sector Economy as a Global Trend (pdf) Breman, Jan 2011
Global Prospects for Full Employment Club of Rome: G. Jacobs & I. Slaus 2011
Full employment abandoned. Shifting Sands and Policy Failures. Edwald Elgar Publishing. William Mitchell and Joan Muyskens 2008
Globalization: The great unbundling(s). Economic Council of Finland: Baldwin, R. E. 2006
The offshore services value chain: upgrading trajectories in developing countries’, Int. J. Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, Vol. 4, Nos. 1/2/3, pp.206–234 Fernandez-Stark, K., Bamber, P. & Gereffi, G. 2011
Assessing the Job Polarization Explanation of Growing Wage Inequality. Working Paper 295 Economic Policy Institute: Mishel, L., Schmitt, J., and Shierholz, H. 2013
Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings pdf. MIT: Acemoglu, D. and Autor, D. 2010
Innovation and Employment,’ in The Oxford Handbook of Innovation. Ed. J. Fagerberg, D. Mowery and R. Nelson. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pianta, M 2005
The Education Bias of ‘Trade Liberalization’ and Wage Inequality in Developing Countries. Working paper 443. pdf. Institute of Social Studies (ISS); Mamoon, D. and Mansoob Murshed, S. 2007
Don’t Blame the Robots Assessing the Job Polarization Explanation of Growing Wage Inequality Economic Policy Institute: Mishel, L., Shierholz, H., Schmitt, J. 2013
The Second Machine Age Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies. WW Norton Brynjolfsson, E. and McAfee, A. 2014
Are Full Employment and Social Cohesion Possible Under Financialization?. Forum for Social Economics, 40 (2) Argitis, G. and Michopoulou, S. 2011
A (Post-) Keynesian perspective on “financialisation,IMK Studies 01-2009 IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute: Hein, E 2009
The Labour Markets of Emerging Economies: Has growth translated into more and better jobs? Palgrave Macmillan. Sandrine, C. and Sher Verick 2013
Employer of Last Resort Policy and Feminist Economics: Social Provisioning and Socialization of Investment. Working Paper 56. Center for Full Employment and Price Stability Working Paper Series (cFEPS): Todorova, Z. 2009
The Taxes-Drive-Money and Employer of Last Resort Approach to Government Policy.’ Journal of Economic and Social Policy, 5(1). Kadmos, G., and O’Hara, P. 2000
Political Aspects of Buffer Stock Employment in E. Carlson and W.F. Mitchell (eds.), Achieving Full Employment, The Economic and Labour Relations Review, Supplement to Volume 12, 72-82. Kriesler, P. and J. Halevi 2001

Table 3. Other sources (media & interest groups)

Global employment: What is the world employment rate? Evans, Lisa (The Guardian) 2011
Jobless Growth In China? Employment Stats Say Recession Has Already Started. Chang, Gordon G. (Forbes) 2013
The Future of Outsourcing – Impact on Jobs.

Global Change blog

Dixon, Patrick
Ranks of Working Poor Grow in Europe Alderman, L. (The New York Times) 2012
ITUC Global Poll 2013 – Economic and Social Outlook International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) 2013
Faltering Economy in China Dims Job Prospects for Graduates. Bradsher, Keith and Sue-Lin Wong (The New york Times) 2013
Tackling the jobs crisis: new thinking from the World Bank and UNESCO. From poverty to power by Duncan Green. Oxfam blogs Fuentes, Ricardo 2012
Trends in working time European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) 2011
World Unemployment to Hit Record High in 2013: International Labour Organization. CNBC Barnato, Katy 2013
Review of The Second Machine Age. Pearlstein, S. (The Washington Post) 2014
Crisis? What Crisis? Financialization and the attack on employment. Keynote speech Schiphorst, F. 2009
Jobless Growth In China? Employment Stats Say Recession Has Already Started. Gordon, C.G. (Forbes) 2013
The Job Guarantee is a Progressive Vehicle for Change. Mitchell, B. (Bill Mitchell-billy blog. Modern Monetary Theory…macroeconomic reality) 2013
Labour’s share lost R.A. (The Economist) 2013