
Turn shared diagnose into shared action

Knowledge brokering21 Dec 2010Alejandro Silva

The most important message from the conference is that Agriculture is not the problem, but the solution to achieve Food Security, Alleviate Poverty and Mitigate Climate Change. There is a wide variety of technologies to increase rural productivity in a sustainable and inclusive way. Consistent policies to have these implemented are also available, as there are funds to finance the process.

What is then preventing Governments, International and Aid Organizations to achieve more and better results? How can funds be channeled to demanding countries?

The right domestic institutions and organizations. Efficient and effective organizations operating within a clear and transparent institutional environment will allow more resources be allocated in countries where climate change has impacted heavily on agro-ecological systems, food is scarce and poverty is widespread.

With a very simple and bottom-up organization, a community can achieve the triple objective without demanding excessive amounts of capital. There are successful ongoing projects that could be up scaled and applied in different regions.

An interdisciplinary and systems approach should be used to face the challenge. There is ample space for cooperation and collaboration at local, regional and international levels. Climate Change, Poverty and Food Insecurity are Global Problems that need Global Solutions.

More research and investment is needed to develop climate smart agricultural technologies, as well as more consistent policies to implement them. The right signals must be given to researchers, government officials, policy makers, consumers and farmers. Actions need coordination to avoid misuse of scarce resources.

There is a shared diagnose of the situation, so what’s next?

A coordinated intergovernmental action to start implementing and up scaling some of the successful projects and programs presented during the Conference. More involvement from National Agricultural Research and Extension Services and Agricultural Organizations that can provide proven technologies and ways to facilitate their transfer.

In this process farmers play a vital role. In the end they manage soil, water, nutrients, crops and animals. No one has more interest to develop a climate smart agriculture. If they receive the right economic incentives, more food will be produced at a lower impact for the environment. Local agrifood value chains must be strengthen and optimize to allow better and safer food supply, minimizing the impacts on the environment, i.e. water and carbon management, recycling of waste materials

As soon as possible a regional case study should be identified, a project designed and implemented so to have some results to present during the next conference in 2012. It could have a major demonstrative effect and be the driver for future actions.

Most favored nations can provide experts from different fields who can find ways to cooperatively work together, with a defined schedule to achieve results. What is to be lost? The cost of inaction is very high to be neglected.