
What is new in the Living analysis?

News02 Sep 2015Rojan Bolling
In the news
New expert opinions in the living analysis
  • After eight months of hard talks, the Algiers process resulted in a ceasefire agreement with a final draft of a peace plan on 1 March 2015. The preliminary agreement has been signed by the Government-led coalition, but on 16 March the Coordination of Movements of the Azawad decided not to sign. Morten Bøås reflects on what other agreement is possible. Sofia Sebastian explains that for the peace process to be successful it needs to have a broader focus.
  • Additionally, Marije Balt unravels the link between youth unemployment and insecurity in Mali.
New reports in the living analysis
  • The interactive literature list has been updated with 20 new recent reports.
  • A new feature in the living analysis! An interactive map was added that provides up to date information about the development of the conflict. It focuses on violent incidents throughout Mali from 2012 and onwards.
  • A new video on the Ganda Izo militia was added. In it, leaders of the group talk about the insecurity which led them to organise themselves to defend their people.
  • What do Malian’s think about their government and UN’s involvement? In the “Mali Metre” opinion polls, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung gathered responses in Gao, Kidal and Ménaka.