
New dossier: Connecting Africa’s Conflicts

News13 Jul 2015Rojan Bolling

This dossier is the result of a conference on the ‘Governance in Connections’ (or how the connections between zones of conflict are governed), held at the African Studies Centre (ASC) and organized in cooperation with the Leiden Institute of History, International Center for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT), Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication and The Broker. The conference participants shared papers based on fieldwork in Mali, Chad, Nigeria, South Sudan, Darfur, Somalia, Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the Central African Republic (CAR).

The dossier contains two research articles: A joint overview article: “What are the connections between Africa’s contemporary conflicts?” and an article exploring the Libyan conflict: “Libya’s conflict: A patchwork of local divisions and regional interests.

The dossier also features a series of expert opinions written by the conference participants and several videos that illustrate how contemporary African conflicts are ‘connected’ through new ICTs. New expert opinions are lined up that will be published within several weeks. The European Conference on African Studies at the Sorbonne in Paris early July will also result in more contributions to this dossier. Please contact us with your comments, as we will continue to work on the growth of this dossier and in Sahel Watch as a whole. Please note that, due to a holiday break, it might take us a few weeks to respond.