
Resources on social protection

Inclusive Economy22 Oct 2013Annemarie van de Vijsel, Bertil Videt

This is a list of selected reports, papers and databases on social protection in developing countries. It consists of three tables:

  • Table 1 contains a selection of reports by institutions as well as their theme pages on social protection;
  • Table 2 covers research papers by academics, research institutions and independent think-tanks that are available online;
  • Table 3 includes links to databases on social protection.

Table 1. Institutional reports and theme pages

Report Institution Year
Social Protection Floor for a Fair and Inclusive Globalization (pdf) ILO 2011
World Social Security Report 2010/11. Providing coverage in times of crisis and beyond (pdf) ILO 2010
Social Protection, Poverty and the Post-2015 Agenda (pdf) World Bank 2013
Combating Poverty and Inequality: Structural Change, Social Policy and Politics UNRISD 2010
Social Protection Strategic Framework UNICEF
Social Protection & Labor World Bank
Resilience, Equity and Opportunity, The World Bank 2012-2022 Social Protection And Labor Strategy World Bank
Promoting Pro-Poor Growth: Social Protection OECD 2009
Underwriting the Poor, A Global Fund for Social Protection (pdf) Olivier de Schutter, Magdalena Sepúlveda (UN High Special Rapporteurs) 2012
Social Protection in European Union Development Cooperation (pdf) European Commission 2012
Social Protection for Inclusive Development – A new perspective in EU co-operation with Africa (pdf) European Report on Development (ERD) 2010
The Social Protection Index: Assessing Results for Asia and the Pacific Asian Development Bank (ADB) 2013
Global Extension of Social Security (GESS) ILO
Social Protection and Cash Transfers IPC-IG (International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth, UNDP)
Social protection publications ILO
ECLAC Publications Social Security Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
South-South learning on social protection UNDP
Targeting and Universalism in Poverty Reduction. Social Policy and Development Programme Paper, Number 23, December (pdf) Thandika Mkandawire, UNRISD 2005
Social Protection, Poverty Reduction and Pro-Growth (pdf). Policy Guidance Note: Social Protection. OECD OECD 2009
ILO Convention No. 102 on minimum standards ILO 1952
Examining Conditional Cash Transfer Programs: A Role for Increased Social Inclusion? The World Bank Institute, SP Discussion paper no. 0603 (pdf) Bénédicte de la Brière and Laura B. Rawlings, World Bank 2006
Special Issue: The role of national social protection floors in extending social security to all, International Security Review, 66(3-4), pp. 1-210. International Social Security Review 2013
Poverty in focus, social protection: the role of cash transfers (pdf) UNDP International Poverty Centre (IPC-UNDP) 2006

Table 2. Research papers

Report Institution year
The forthcoming second edition of the policy guide Designing and Implementing Social Transfer Programmes EPRI (Economic Policy Research Institute) forthcoming
Social Protection Responses to the Financial Crisis: What do we Know? IDS in focus policy briefing 2009
GSDRC Applied Knowledge Services: types of social protection GSDRC
GDN conference ‘Inequality, Social Protection and Inclusive Growth’ (pdf) GDN (Global Development Network) 2013
Social Sciences Research Network: research by Armando Barrientos Armando Barrientos various years
ODI Social Protection programme ODI (The Overseas Development Insitute)
Why Emerging Economies Need Social Policy: the Cases of China and India (short version) (pdf) Arjan de Haan, IPC-UNDP 2013
A Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Role of Cash Transfers in Social Protection (pdf), ODI Project Briefing, Overseas Development Institute, London. Rachel Slater, John Farrington, Rebecca Holmes, Paul Harvey, ODI 2008
Cost-effective safety nets. What are the costs of reaching the poor? (pdf) World Food Programme, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) 2003
Making Cash Count: Lessons from cash transfers in east and southern Africa for supporting the most vulnerable children and households (pdf) S. Devereux, Marshall, J., MacAskill, J., Pelham, L.Save the Children UK, HelpAge International and Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex 2005
Systemic Shocks and Social Protection: Role and Effectiveness of Public Works Programs, Social Protection Discussion paper (pdf) Kalanidhi Subbarao, World Bank 2003
Transforming Cash Transfers Symposium DFID
Socio-economic security over the life course: A global review of social protection. Report of a Social Protection Scoping Study. Institute of Development Studies: University of Sussex (pdf) Sarah Cook and Naila Kabeer, IDS Centre for Social Protection 2009
The Political Economy of Targeting (pdf) In D. van de Walle & K. Nead (Eds.) Public spending and the poor: theory and evidence. World Bank, The John Hopkins University Press: USA, Baltimore. Amartya Sen, World Bank 1995
Equal Pensions, Equal Rights: Achieving Universal Pension Coverage for Old Women and Men in Developing Countries (pdf) In: Gender & Development, 17:3, pp. 377-388 Stephen Kidd 2009
Social Pensions Part I: Their Role in the Overall Pension System (pdf) Social Protection Discussion Paper No. 0601. World Bank: USA, Washington DC. Robert Palacios and Oleksiy Sluchynsky 2006
We Are All Poor Here: Economic Difference, Social Divisiveness, and Targeting Cash Transfers in Sub-Saharan Africa’ (pdf) Paper prepared for the conference Social Protection for the Poorest in Africa: Learning from Experience, Kampala, Uganda, pp. 8-10. Frank Ellis 2008
Reforming pensions: principles, analytical errors and policy directions. In: International social security review, 62 (2). pp. 5-29. Nicholas Barr and Peter Diamond 2009
When is social protection productivity-enhancing? Costs and benefits on economic performances (pdf) Federico Tomassi 2010
Informal and Formal Social Protection Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. OSSREA Publications. Devereux and Getu (eds.), Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Souther Africa (OSSREA) 2013
Social Protection as Development Policy: A New International Agenda for Action Francois-Xavier Merrien 2013
Editorial Introduction: Debating Social Protection (pdf). In: IDS Bulletin, 38(3), pp. 1-7. Stephen Devereux and Rachel Sabates-Wheeler 2007
Social Protection Concepts and Approaches: Implications for Policy and Practice (pdf) in International Development, London: Overseas Development Institute Andy Norton, Tim Conway and Mick Foster 2001
Digging holes and filling them again? How far do public works enhance livelihoods?(pdf) Anna McCord and John Farrington, ODI 2008
How can Safety Nets Contribute to Economic Growth, Policy Research Working Papers (pdf) Harold Alderman and Ruslan Yemtsov, World Bank 2013
Social Transfers and Growth: What Do We Know? What Do We Need to Find Out? (pdf) In: World Development 40(1), pp. 11-20 Armando Barrientos 2011

Table 3. Databases

Database Institution
Social Transfers Evidence Database EPRI (Economic Policy Research Institute) and DFID (Department for International Development, UK)
Social Assistance in Developing Countries Database (pdf) Armando Barrientos, Miguel Niño-Zarazúa and Mathilde Maitrot, Brooks World Poverty Institute, The University of Manchester
The State of Social Safety Nets 2013 (pdf) The World Bank
Social pensions database Pension Watch
ASPIRE: The Atlas of Social Protection – Indicators of Resilience and Equity World Bank
Social security inquiry database ILO
Database of CCT and Social Pension programmes in Latin America ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean)
USA Social Security Administration USA Social Security Administration
Social Security Observatory ILO
Global Extension of Social Security (GESS) Statistics ILO

ASC web dossier

For more resources on social protection in Africa, The African Studies Centre’s bibliographic web dossier, containing book titles available in the ASC Library.