
The Future Briefs Series: a new initiative by Partos and The Broker

Knowledge brokering10 Nov 2021Giovanni Puttin
future brief series article image

What are the most pressing development issues and how can development organisations create dynamic and adaptive pathways that withstand future uncertainties? These questions lie at the heart of the Future Brief series, which aims to provide insights for the development sector about the most pressing issues for the future.

The Future Briefs series, developed by The Broker in collaboration with and commissioned by Partos, identifies key questions and promising pathways for the future on five core topics: data and digitalisation, climate justice, civic space, the HDP nexus, and shifting the power. In addition to highlighting the most important current insights and debates, the future briefs also provide helpful resources for continuing the work on these important issues.

The first brief of the series,Critical Issues for the Development Sector, provides a critical overview of and addresses future uncertainties related to data and digitalisation, climate crisis, changing civic space, and the HDP-nexus in protracted crisis settings.

The second brief, Shifting the Power, deals with the fifth issue in more detail. It traces shifts in power dynamics currently taking place in the development sector and provides practical recommendations and resources on how to continue work on the topic.

Both briefs are authored by Knowledge Brokers Martha Kapazoglou and Yannicke Goris and are available for download at the links above.

You can find more information on the Future Briefs Series on the Partos website.