ACF International |
Food Security and Livelihoods Assessment |
African Development Bank |
Country Strategy Paper (CSP) |
Country Performance Assessment (CPA) |
Country Dialogue Paper (CDP) |
Country Brief |
Country Aid Program Strategy |
Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA)Country Policy Paper |
Country Policy Paper |
Human Rights Assessment |
HRBA/Gender screening note |
Political Economy and Stakeholder Analysis at Sector Level |
Developmental Leadership Program |
From Political Economy to Political Analysis |
European Commission |
Country Diagnosis |
Checklist for Structural Risks of Conflict |
Conflict Prevention Programming Fiche |
Sector Governance Analysis Framework |
Conflict Analysis Framework |
Political Economy and Stakeholder Analysis |
Quantitative Global Model for Armed Conflict Risk Assessment |
French Development Agency (AFD) |
Institutional Profiles |
German Development Agency (GIZ and BMZ) |
Peace and Conflict Assessment (PCA) |
Livelihoods Analysis in Fragile Contexts |
Governance Criteria Catalogue |
Konfliktanalyse zur entwicklung von handlungsoptionen fur gesellschaftspolitische kooperationsprogramme |
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict |
Conflict Analysis Framework |
Initiative for Peacebuilding |
State-Society Analytical Framework |
Institute for Development Studies, University of Sussex |
Micro-Level Dynamics of Conflict, Violence and Development: A New Analytical Framework |
Practice guide: A Combined Approach to Political Economy and Power Analysis |
Nutrition, Governance and Violence: A Framework for the Analysis of Resilience and Vulnerability to Food Insecurity in Contexts of Violent Conflict |
Institute for National Security Studies, Tel Aviv University |
Regime Stability in the Middle East: An analytical model to assess the possibility of regime change |
International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (IDPS) |
Fragility Assessment Methodology |
International Food Policy Research Institute |
A Standard Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Model in GAMS |
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) |
Poverty and Livelihoods Analysis |
International Monetary Fund (IMF) |
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper |
Nayef Al-Rodhan |
Meta-geopolitical Analysis |
Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
Multi-Annual Strategic Plans (MASP) |
Framework for Strategic Governance And Corruption Analysis (SGACA) |
Stability Assessment Framework (SAF) |
Fragile States Assessment Methodology (FSAM) |
Conflict and Policy Assessment Framework |
New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States |
Fragility Assessments |
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) |
AJP-5 Allied Joint Doctrine for Operational Level Planning |
Norwegian Development Agency (NORAD) |
The State’s Legitimacy in Fragile Situations |
Overseas Development Institute (ODI) |
Tools for bridging research and policy: the RAPID Context, Evidence, Links Framework |
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) |
NiGEM Model |
Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) |
Power Analysis |
Manual for Conflict Analysis |
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) |
Conflict Sensitive Programme Management |
A combined Approach to Political Economy and Power Analysis (by IDS) |
Saferworld |
Conflict-Sensitive Approaches to Development, Humanitarian Assistance and Peacebuilding: Resource Pack |
United Nations |
Common Country Assessment (CCA) |
Common Inter-Agency Framework for Conflict Analysis in Transition |
Institutional and Context analysis Guidance Note |
A User’s Guide to Measuring Fragility |
United Nations Rule of Law Indicators |
Needs Analysis Framework |
Multi-Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessment |
Joint Guidance Note on Integrated Recovery Planning using Post Conflict Needs Assessments and Transitional Results Frameworks |
Socio-economic & Livelihood Analysis |
Social Analysis for Agriculture and Rural Investment Projects |
United Kingdom, Department for International Development |
Country Governance Analysis |
Drivers of Change |
Strategic Conflict Assessment |
Gender Inequality and Social Exclusion Analysis |
Human Rights Assessment |
Analytical Framework for Understanding the Political Economy of Sectors and Policy Arenas |
Politics of Development |
United Kingdom, Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit |
Countries at Risk of Instability: Risk Factors of and Dynamics of Instability |
United Kingdom, Ministry of Defence |
Joint Doctrine Publication 5-00 Campaign Planning |
Joint Doctrine Note 4/13 Culture and Human Terrain |
United Kingdom, Stabilisation Unit |
The UK Approach to Stabilisation |
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) |
Anti-corruption Assessment Framework |
Interagency Security Sector Assessment Framework |
Conflict Assessment Framework 2.0 |
Interagency Conflict Assessment Framework |
Rule of Law Country Analysis |
United States Government, Milennium Challenge Corporation |
Milennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Scorecard |
United States, Department of Defence |
Joint Publication 2-01.3 Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment |
Joint Publication 5-0 Joint Operation Planning |
Human Terrain Team Handbook |
World Bank |
Problem-driven Governance and Political Economy Analysis |
Political Economy of Policy Reform |
Country Policy and Institutional Assessment |
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) |
Poverty Assessment (PA) |
Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA) |
World Governance Indicators (WGI) |
Unaffiliated |
PESTEL/PESTLE analysis |