We help you make your mark in global sustainable development
By connecting worlds of knowledge, we activate wisdom for a just world.
Why we do the things we do

To strengthen the knowledge use of change makers to increase just and sustainable impact.
Knowledge Brokering is an indispensable tool for realising impact towards a just world. In everything we do, we orchestrate the use of knowledge to ignite, spark and increase a positive impact.
What is knowledge brokering?
Knowledge brokering involves the transition of knowledge into practical application. Knowledge brokers play a crucial role in connecting those who produce knowledge with those who use it, fostering the creation, distribution, and ultimate utilization of that knowledge. The scope of their activities spans a spectrum, ranging from managing information flows to actively pursuing systemic change.
Read more about our insights on knowledge brokering below:
The context of our work
The Broker is an independent knowledge brokering organization in the field of sustainable international development. We enable organizations and people who are committed to, or have an interest in, worldwide, economic, political and societal development processes to make informed decisions in their work and daily practice. This is done at local, regional, national and international levels. We do not focus on specific areas per se but rather on societal processes and development opportunities in locations all over the world. We are an idealistic organization that provides services in a project-based fashion, operating independently from political institutions. In this way, as connectors of knowledge fields and actors, we are committed to enhancing policymakers’ and practitioners’ impact on international development, aiming to achieve inclusive and sustainable global societies.
From printed magazine to international knowledge brokers

The Broker began as a printed magazine for international development professionals. Today, this ‘old’ The Broker remains an important part of our identity. This is reflected in our insights page where articles are published by our staff and our vast network of experts. Our insights support the main aim of our organization: sharing unexpected, new or broader perspectives on matters that can make global policies more inclusive and sustainable.
Annual Reports
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