Meet The Broker Team

Abegael Kerns

Office Manager

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Charlotte Stam

Junior Knowledge Broker

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Hannah Terry

Communication and Innovation Broker

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Joscha Betke

Junior Knowledge Broker

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Malin Olofsson

Senior Knowledge Broker

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Marion Biermans

Senior Knowledge Broker

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Pilar Barrera

Junior Knowledge Broker

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Rikke van der Veen

Medior Knowledge Broker

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Rojan Bolling

Senior Knowledge Broker

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Ruth van de Velde

Junior Knowledge Broker

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Sasha Al Busaidy

Junior Knowledge Broker

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Siri Lijfering

Senior Knowledge Broker

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Sophie Koers

Executive Director

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Vanessa Nigten

Managing Knowledge Broker

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Meet The Broker Board

Jolke Oppewal

Board Chair

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Mijam Ros-Tonen

Board Secretary

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Huub Jansen

Board Treasurer

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Esther van Rijswijk

Board Member

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Want to know more about what we do?

Our team is happy to get in touch with you. Feel free to contact us through this form, or come and visit us at our office in TSH Collab Amsterdam West.

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