ODI hosts a public event One month to Busan, with speakers Brenda Killen (Head of the Aid Effectiveness Division, OECD), Lucia Wilde (Team Leader for Busan, DFID) and Jamie Drummond (Executive Director, ONE).
ODI Director Alison Evans speaks with Tony Blair on eliminating aid dependence in Africa, rethinking leadership, and what the international community needs to do differently.
IRIN hosts a series of articles on new and emerging donors
In another blog at The Guardian povertymatters, Glennie is critical about the come-back of South South cooperation – one of the issues on the Busan HLF agenda.
The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), members of the African Union, civil society groups, development groups and parliamentarians meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia this week have for the first time agreed a common position on development effectiveness and aid reform.
Jonathan Glennie blogs at The Guardian povertymatters that the rise of the emerging powers has challenged traditional concepts of “aid” – and that this must be tackled head-on in Busan. Read Busan conference offers chance to tackle aid effectiveness
Laurence Chandy of the Brookings Institution analyses how we should interpret the dismal results of the OECD’s monitoring survey on the Paris Declaration. Read It’s Complicated: the Challenge of Implementing the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness.
Jonathan Glennie and Andrew Rogerson write that global reach is the prize at Busan in their ODI opinion article.
Noam Unger and Homi Kharas of Brookings share their thoughts on how the announced participation of Hillary Clinton can lead to a better High-Level Forum. It will be the first time that the US is represented at a HLF on Aid Effectiveness.
EURODAD launches a new aid effectiveness report just three months ahead of the Busan high-Level Forum.
Mandeep Tiwana and Netsanet Belay of CIVICUS, the World Alliance for Citizen Participation, argue that the needs of Africa must take centre stage at Busan. CIVICUS also raises a number of concerns about the second draft of the Busan declaration, which have to do with the global trend of the increasing dis-enabling environment for CSOs that affects their role as independent development actors.
Edward Reed of The Asia Foundation writes about the Seoul Civil Society Forum on Aid and Development Effectiveness held in August 2011. Representatives of CSOs from around Asia came together to finalize their strategy for the HLF in Busan.
Duncan Green’s blog goes behind commonplace assumptions. He covers a broad range of development related topics in his informal style. This piece talks about how non-traditional donors are doing on aid.
Simon Maxwell’s Blog looks at a broad range of topics and their relationship to development. His writing on Business and Development makes for interesting reading in the context of Busan.