Food security is back on the political agenda. In recent years some important reports were published, of which a lot make references to the mulitdisciplinary task to secure good quality of food and nutrition for the growing world population. If you want to add a report, please use the comment tool below.
FAO, The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2012, Economic growth is necessary but not sufficient to accelerate reduction of hunger and malnutrition
Foresight, The Future of Food and Farming (2011), Executive Summary, The Government Office for Science, London.
Economist Intelligence Unit, Global food security index 2012, The Economist
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Achieving food security in the face of climate change, Final report from the Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change, March 2012
Poverty Reduction and Equity Group and The World Bank, Food Price Watch, volume 3, issue 12, november 2012
The World Bank, Global Monitoring Report 2012: Food Prices, Nutrition, and the Millennium Development Goals
United Nations’ High-level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis, Updated comprehensive framework for action, September 2010
Oxfam International, Growing a Better Future: Food justice in a resource-constrained world, May 2011
Oxfam International, ‘Our Land, Our Lives’, Time out on the global land rush, October 2012
Byers, B. and A., Rosengren. (2012). Common or conflicting interests? Reflections on the private sector (for) Development Agenda, Maastricht: ECDPM, 3.
Ferroni, M. and Castle, P., “Public-Private Partnerships and sustainable agricultural development”, Sustainability, 3 (2011), 1066.
Hohfeld, L., Motivation of CSR oriented Public Private Partnerships in fisheries and agriculture development, Hannover, 2008, 4.
Vorley, B., Del Pozo-Vergnes, E. & Barnett, A, Small producing agency in the globalised market: Making choices in a changing world, London: International Institute for Environment and Development, The Hague: HIVOS, La Paz: Mainumby Nakurutu, 2012.
Frederick Kaufman, ‘The food bubble: How Wall Street starved millions and got away with it’, Harper’s Magazine July 2010,…arved-millions-and-got-away-with-it/
World Development Movement 2011, Broken markets – How financial market regulation can help prevent another global food crisis,…l-regulation-can-prevent-food-crisis
ICRC 2011, World Disasters Report 2011: Focus on hunger and malnutrition, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies,…orts/world-disasters-report/wdr2011/
UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food 2012,…ork/chains-trade-and-aid/speculation
Lagi, M., K. Z. Bertrand, and Y. Bar-Yam. 2011, ‘The food crises and political instability in North Africa and the Middle East’, New England Complex Systems Institute, The Physics arXiv Blog – MIT Technology Review (August)
Timothy A. Wise and Sophia Murphy 2012, Resolving the Food Crisis: Assessing Global Policy Reforms Since 2007, Global Development And Environment Institute Tufts University,
Timothy A. Wise, 2012, Global Food Security in a Volatile World, World Politics Review (online)…al-food-security-in-a-volatile-world
Foodwatch 2011, How Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and Other Financial Institutions Are speculating With Food at the Expense of the Poorest