
‘Research & policy: two peas in a pod?’ Impressions of a food security impact dialogue

News20 Dec 2017Rojan Bolling

With almost 150 participants from the Netherlands, Africa and South Asia, including policymakers and representatives from the private sector, the conference on ‘Research & policy: two peas in a pod?’ aimed to strengthen the link between researchers, their stakeholders, and policymakers in the broad field of food security. After an opening plenary session, two rounds of four workshops followed on a wide range of topics. To gain an impression of these interactive workshops, read the blogs prepared by The Broker and the F&BKP:

Session 1 – Innovation for food security

Session 2 – Nutrition and consumption

Session 3 – Inclusive business development for food security

Session 4 – Knowledge co-creation for food security

Session 5 – Capture fisheries, aquaculture and food security

Session 6 – Urban food systems

Session 7 – Climate smart agriculture

Session 8 – Food security, conflict and resilience

While lunchtime afforded most participants a break between sessions, for our knowledge broker Annemarie van de Vijsel it meant working hard to capture some of the key speakers on camera. You can watch videos of interviews with Adrie Papma (Chair, Steering Committee, F&BKP), Rob de Vos (MFA), Brave Ndisale (FAO Malawi), Cees Leeuwis (Wageningen UR) and Melle Leenstra (MFA) online.

For an impression of the day and its main conclusions, read this overview article by The Broker and watch the brief video below.