Report |
Institution |
year |
The forthcoming second edition of the policy guide Designing and Implementing Social Transfer Programmes |
EPRI (Economic Policy Research Institute) |
forthcoming |
Social Protection Responses to the Financial Crisis: What do we Know? |
IDS in focus policy briefing |
2009 |
GSDRC Applied Knowledge Services: types of social protection |
GDN conference ‘Inequality, Social Protection and Inclusive Growth’ (pdf) |
GDN (Global Development Network) |
2013 |
Social Sciences Research Network: research by Armando Barrientos |
Armando Barrientos |
various years |
ODI Social Protection programme |
ODI (The Overseas Development Insitute) |
Why Emerging Economies Need Social Policy: the Cases of China and India (short version) (pdf) |
Arjan de Haan, IPC-UNDP |
2013 |
A Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Role of Cash Transfers in Social Protection (pdf), ODI Project Briefing, Overseas Development Institute, London. |
Rachel Slater, John Farrington, Rebecca Holmes, Paul Harvey, ODI |
2008 |
Cost-effective safety nets. What are the costs of reaching the poor? (pdf) |
World Food Programme, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) |
2003 |
Making Cash Count: Lessons from cash transfers in east and southern Africa for supporting the most vulnerable children and households (pdf) |
S. Devereux, Marshall, J., MacAskill, J., Pelham, L.Save the Children UK, HelpAge International and Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex |
2005 |
Systemic Shocks and Social Protection: Role and Effectiveness of Public Works Programs, Social Protection Discussion paper (pdf) |
Kalanidhi Subbarao, World Bank |
2003 |
Transforming Cash Transfers Symposium |
Socio-economic security over the life course: A global review of social protection. Report of a Social Protection Scoping Study. Institute of Development Studies: University of Sussex (pdf) |
Sarah Cook and Naila Kabeer, IDS Centre for Social Protection |
2009 |
The Political Economy of Targeting (pdf) In D. van de Walle & K. Nead (Eds.) Public spending and the poor: theory and evidence. World Bank, The John Hopkins University Press: USA, Baltimore. |
Amartya Sen, World Bank |
1995 |
Equal Pensions, Equal Rights: Achieving Universal Pension Coverage for Old Women and Men in Developing Countries (pdf) In: Gender & Development, 17:3, pp. 377-388 |
Stephen Kidd |
2009 |
Social Pensions Part I: Their Role in the Overall Pension System (pdf) Social Protection Discussion Paper No. 0601. World Bank: USA, Washington DC. |
Robert Palacios and Oleksiy Sluchynsky |
2006 |
We Are All Poor Here: Economic Difference, Social Divisiveness, and Targeting Cash Transfers in Sub-Saharan Africa’ (pdf) Paper prepared for the conference Social Protection for the Poorest in Africa: Learning from Experience, Kampala, Uganda, pp. 8-10. |
Frank Ellis |
2008 |
Reforming pensions: principles, analytical errors and policy directions. In: International social security review, 62 (2). pp. 5-29. |
Nicholas Barr and Peter Diamond |
2009 |
When is social protection productivity-enhancing? Costs and benefits on economic performances (pdf) |
Federico Tomassi |
2010 |
Informal and Formal Social Protection Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. OSSREA Publications. |
Devereux and Getu (eds.), Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Souther Africa (OSSREA) |
2013 |
Social Protection as Development Policy: A New International Agenda for Action |
Francois-Xavier Merrien |
2013 |
Editorial Introduction: Debating Social Protection (pdf). In: IDS Bulletin, 38(3), pp. 1-7. |
Stephen Devereux and Rachel Sabates-Wheeler |
2007 |
Social Protection Concepts and Approaches: Implications for Policy and Practice (pdf) in International Development, London: Overseas Development Institute |
Andy Norton, Tim Conway and Mick Foster |
2001 |
Digging holes and filling them again? How far do public works enhance livelihoods?(pdf) |
Anna McCord and John Farrington, ODI |
2008 |
How can Safety Nets Contribute to Economic Growth, Policy Research Working Papers (pdf) |
Harold Alderman and Ruslan Yemtsov, World Bank |
2013 |
Social Transfers and Growth: What Do We Know? What Do We Need to Find Out? (pdf) In: World Development 40(1), pp. 11-20 |
Armando Barrientos |
2011 |