
The Broker joins the Refugee Hackaton February 4-6

News15 Feb 2016Remmelt de Weerd

The documentary ‘We are here’, a true story about a group of people who were rejected asylum in the Netherlands and unable to return to their home countries, was screened at the event. The group’s marginalization from society was debated, as well as their framing in the media and political debates and European policy responses in practice.

The Hackathon was initiated to find technical solutions and innovations for practical implications. Pitched ideas included storytelling about the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) screening process and forming a platform for civil organizations to find and converse with migrants.

Panel members:

  • Karlijn Muiderman (The Broker)

  • Sinan Abdullah Rehman (We Are Here activist)

  • Massimiliano Sfregola (Journalist and We Are Here activist)

  • Eva Schram (

  • Lara Staal (Frascati Theatre) Panel moderator