
What is new in the Living analysis?

News18 Sep 2015Rojan Bolling
In the news
New expert opinions in the living analysis
New reports in the living analysis
  • Have a look at our detailed explanation of who is who among the armed groups, featuring an infographic detailing their historical development.
  • Our interactive map is updated each month! It tracks violent incidents throughout Mali.
  • Also have a look at our interactive resource list, it is updated periodically with the latest literature and reports used in the Sahel Watch programme and suggested by our expert contributors.
  • What do Malian’s think about their government and UN’s involvement? In the “Mali Metre” opinion polls, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung gathered responses in Gao, Kidal and Ménaka.
  • In north Mali, local business elites cooperate with rebel groups to maintain control of trafficking routes from other Tuareg rebels. This NOREF report sheds light on the socioeconomic dynamics at the micro level of Mali’s conflict.