
Trilogy series: Decolonisation of development cooperation

Decolonization of international development07 Jun 2022Giovanni Puttin

This future brief is the first in a trilogy, co-developed by Partos and The Broker, aiming to support development practitioners in their quest to decolonise the sector. 

With this end in mind, Knowledge Brokers Yannicke Goris and Martha Kapazoglou undertook a historical approach and reviewed relevant events from the 15th century onwards to investigate the legacies that development cooperation inherited from the colonial project. In doing so, this brief lays the necessary foundations to understand the present and forge sustainable solutions for a decolonised future.

We will update this page with parts 2 and 3 of the trilogy in the upcoming weeks.

The first publication is also available in French, Spanish, Dutch and Arabic on the Partos website.